Most of the Country will Watch the Lions Go for the Division Title

Most of the Country will Watch the Lions Go for the Division Title

  1. Damn living in NC and having to painfully see the Panthers…

    I guess it’s high seas time this weekend.

  2. I assume you’re correct, but there is no key on this map indicating which color goes to which game.

  3. Thats awful! I don’t live in Michigan so I rely on watching all the games on Sunday ticket and I don’t have regular TV.

    Since it will be considered a in market game for me, I will not be able to watch it now.

  4. But not me, in my southwest corner of Michigan that insists on airing shitty Bears games because I’m close to Chicago. Looks like I’ll be out sailing this Sunday.

    Edit: wait it looks like it’s not the Bears, but Indy. Same idea though

  5. Arkansas gets to see the Lions game??????? and it isn’t the one against the Cowboys???? I’m shocked

  6. Crazy to think about but that little area of Houston is about the same in population than the entire state of Michigan.

  7. I live in the Twin Cities now, so I get the season ticket to watch the Lions. I’m not 100% sure, but I think every game this year has been on local television. It sucks to waste the money, but awesome that the Lions are finally getting premium TV broadcasts instead of just the markets that are forced to carry them.

  8. The Bucs game is on later than the Lions, so it shouldn’t impact me who’ll be in the greater Orlando area. It looks like FOX will carry the Lions division title matchup at 1pm.

  9. First non prime time game we will get in DC this year. Cant wait to legally watch us clinch the division.

  10. I live in the central UP. Our local station flipped from Packers to Lions for this game. It’s a big deal up here, especially for us Lions fans.

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