This is how Lane Hutson stole the puck from his Habs bro Owen Beck to score the OT winner

This is how Lane Hutson stole the puck from his Habs bro Owen Beck to score the OT winner

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  2. Unbelievable! Hutson had this to say about Beck after the goal: Stay in your owen lane. You’re not as hut as you think you are, son, you can beck on that.

    As impressed I am with his play, he still needs a TON of work on his chirps and general social skills if he hopes to crack an NHL lineup.

  3. When he crouches he gets so small no one can see him. The players all think he vanished off the ice.

  4. The fact that he got that low at full speed and didn’t break stride after. Kid is amazing.

  5. Basic defensive play that happened to work perfectly. I’m more impressed by how he finished it Suzuki-style.

  6. Very careless by Beck, although that also could’ve gone badly for Hutson.

    The most impressive thing is how Hutson absolutely froze the defender and the goalie with those twitchy fakes

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