Fuck espn

Fuck espn

  1. It’s Sooooo annoying…I live in Buffalo and I can tell you people are already planning on taking off SB week to see their team in the SB…

    The water here is VERY different…

  2. I’m quite happy to live this narrative. Bills will struggle at New England and we will route Baltimore next week. Life is good. Life will continue to be good. Best Dolphins years of my life ❤️

  3. Greenberg and Cowherd are unironically saying the Bills will make the Super Bowl. Like wtf Baltimore, Miami, and Cleveland all exist.

  4. Gee I wonder why we went into the tank at the end of last year, take away any teams starting qb and that’s what happens

  5. Tua beats Lamar next week and everyone in Bristol can suck on his MVP and hiant Hawaiian dong!!!!!

  6. “Who held on for the win…” automatically disqualified this opinion. Mfer didn’t even watch the game lol

  7. Is this the same ESPN that sent out a notification that Dallas beat us BEFORE the game was even over?

    Every season you’re just hoping to be in the playoffs. Because once they start, everything resets and the chance to reach the Super Bowl is wide open as literally every single game becomes “any given Sunday” time.

    The good news is we’re in. And now the best way to give ESPN the finger (to use a sports movie analogy) is to be like the ball players in MAJOR LEAGUE that everyone is betting against, which causes Tom Berringer to say: “Well… I guess there’s only one thing left to do. Win the whole fucking thing.”

  8. Am I the only one who doesn’t think the article is that bad? And also not totally out of the realm of possibility.

  9. The author says they favor the Dolphins to beat the Bills in week 18, just that it isn’t a farfetched take to say the Bills could win the division. That seems pretty reasonable.

  10. Idk, it seems like a pretty reasonable stance to me. Buffalo beats a tanking patriots + miami loses to a super bowl contender = all bets are off.

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