Most donwvoted comment I’ve ever made

Here’s the link if you want to see all the hate:

  1. I love Kate and Alaa has grown on me a lot so I am a huge fan now. I really dislike that we lose their commentary in the play offs for a significantly worse national broadcast team.

    The sixers hate from NBA will never end.

  2. As incorrect as they are about the commentary I cannot STAND the arena sounds they have on defense it drives me crazy

  3. They are completely fine for a local broadcast and I enjoy their commentary but they are complete homers and would annoy me if I wasn’t a Sixers fan.

  4. Once again people just take a few clips that they see on the main sub. These people don’t actually watch games seriously

  5. Kate is a treasure. Call it pandering but her social media presence really paints a passionate picture for broadcasting and the city.

  6. Redditors are weirdly uptight about commentators. They’re always whining about “bias” but their literal job is to hype up one specific team. It’s really dumb.

    Redditors just love to get mad at shit.

  7. Kate really is top tier. At this point it’s just ignorant to say she’s not stellar at the job of calling games.

  8. If I’m gonna shit on r/nba for their biased Embiid takes, I gotta be able to go against the grain and acknowledge when they’re right and r/sixers is wrong:

    Kate is fine but a little bit robotic/lifeless/formulaic. Alaa is an annoying grouchy “DAE old school ball is better” boomer with commentary so biased it even bothers me as a sixers fan, and he offers very little valuable insight.

    Zumoff and Rose was 100x above this, and this can’t be the best we can do today.

  9. Anytime you go to r/NBA with that flair it’s open season. But beyond that people fucking hate Alaa for reasons that are beyond me. He’s a homer but he’s *consistent*. Last year (or the year before idk) he said when Joel and some dude were both down that he was more concerned with Joel (because he is the better player and plays for the team he openly roots for) and people acted like he said the other guy could die for all he cared. Or he was happy he was hurt. Or he wanted him to be hurt. All he did was be honest. He was more concerned with the best player on the team with a bad injury history being on the ground than some dude he didn’t even know from the other team.

    Hell this year they made an entire thread about *Matt Chord* (sp? I never had to write his name down) saying “two the line shooting two” as the opponent was going to the line to shoot two free throws and people acted like he came onto the court and tackled the dude. They hate everything about the Sixers. They will trash our concessions and dance team if the mood strikes them.

    Also, people just bitch about away announcers in general. They don’t seem to understand that they are ALL biased, by design. The only ones I won’t listen to is Boston. But I don’t make a federal case about it I just find another feed or simply do not watch that game. But yeah, I like Alaa because for as much of a homer he is he is very fair. He likes it when players play well and will give credit to the other team for doing so. He will give credit/criticize either team if they do something that he personally likes/dislikes (like catching the ball high in the post and keeping it high before shooting) he explains why he likes certain things and credits the Sixers and the opponent when they play the way *he personally* likes to see. Sadly some Sixers fans even dislike him (or they say they do on r/NBA for those internet points) but I’ve always liked him.

  10. Kate and Alaa stink. I think Kate has potential but Alaa is the absolute worst. When those two were out with Covid and they had Tom McGuinness and Mark Jackson it was perfect. I really think Mac and Jack are the duo we need.

  11. I’ve gotten used to Kate’s style and enjoy it but so often she’s just wrong about what’s happening on the floor still. It happens a lot where she’ll think the sixers drew a defensive foul and she won’t realize it’s offensive until after she got excited about it.

  12. Tommy Heinsohn or however you pronounce should be drawn and quartered for exposing us to Celtics bullshit

  13. You have to admit though Alaa is a huge homer. It’s fine for us as Sixers fans but I can see why it’s off putting to others fanbases

  14. Objectively she’s not the best announcer but it always surprises me that people still don’t like Kate or find her boring. I think she’s fun, passionate and clearly loves this city. She always gets me hype at least lol.

  15. Kate is great for sure. Haters gonna hate, tho. However, our stadium sound scape could use a change.

  16. Kate Scott is one of my favorite commentators for basketball ever already. And she had big shoes to fill when Zoomy dipped out.

  17. Reactions to the broadcast personalities is almost entirely subjective. For the most part, r/nba doesn’t like Embiid or the Sixers, so they don’t like Kate and Alaa. There’s not much more to it.

    Amongst our own fan base, you can like or dislike Kate and Alaa as you wish. Just save the “she’s objectively bad” takes or whatever since there is no such thing as objectivity here.

  18. Either these people are lying because they don’t actually watch Sixers broadcasts considering the amount of aggravation they claim to have for Embiid “ruining basketball,” or they are in fact watching because they want to stew in their anger and can’t get enough. Can’t figure out which is funnier.

  19. I can see how opposing fans might not like Alaa. He’s a big homer and has a tendency to say some weird things. I like him, and he’s far from bad, but kind of expected.

    Kate suffers from good old-fashioned misogyny.

  20. Alaa is so much of a homer that it’s obnoxious and Kate’s voice annoys me. ÂŻ\_(ツ)_/ÂŻ

  21. You can’t even remotely criticize Kate here without being accused of hating women to some degree. It’s insanity. I don’t care that she has tits, I care that she thinks play by play commentary is rattling off robotic catch phrases depending on who has the ball every possession. It’s dreadfully grating. Get me someone else.

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