Remember Packers fans, It ain’t over till it’s over. Have faith 🙏🏻

Remember Packers fans, It ain’t over till it’s over. Have faith 🙏🏻

Remember Packers fans, It ain’t over till it’s over. Have faith 🙏🏻
byu/Head-Split4836 inGreenBayPackers

  1. This is a better Throw & Catch than the Richard Rodgers catch in Detroit. There, I said it.

  2. The thing I remember most about that game is I was in Vegas and had AZ -6.5. I was sitting at the counter waiting for the score to go final to cash my ticket.

  3. Should have had a play for Starks, he was so money! This one hurt but not even in the same galaxy as the ‘Hags game.

  4. I think one of my favorite Aaron comeback games was when he beat the Bears on one leg in the second half.

  5. Anakin: I’m gonna throw this sick Hail Mary.
    Padme: So you won in OT right?
    Larry Fitzgerald as Padme: So you won in OT right?

  6. If they go for 2, or win in OT these two throws easily are remembered as his greatest ever. And that saying something. Both were absolutely insane.

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