Seems like Dejounte has been depressed, probably a contributor to why he has looked mentally checked out in the past few weeks

Seems like Dejounte has been depressed, probably a contributor to why he has looked mentally checked out in the past few weeks

  1. Fuck man — I 100% understand mental health and as an athlete who’s preforming not up to his standards I bet it’s hard on him and that impacts his play and mental.

    For 100M gd maybe I am a “hater” but come on. Go talk to a therapist and get right. I just think about my own life, I can’t just BS work bc I am not mentally there. If I do, I get fired and then I cannot eat. Like DJM, this is your job, life is hard, get help but damn man. Do your job

  2. Dejounte is doing his job. Idk why people were expecting 25 ppg from him and team defense is a thing. It’s not just him. It’s a chain reaction effect

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