Anybody know who this guy in the audience is? I see him at basically every Clipper and Laker game and now it’s bugging me and want to know😅🤷🏽‍♂️

Anybody know who this guy in the audience is? I see him at basically every Clipper and Laker game and now it’s bugging me and want to know😅🤷🏽‍♂️

  1. I nearly pissed myself laughing when he showed up in Adam Sandler’s basketball movie Hustle.

  2. Janes goldstein check out his home – its on youtube – its actually properly epic, hosts alot of private people A list parties/ NBA stars etc.
    Can follow him on insta as well which is really just all the women that do photoshoots at his place. Its all abit dubious really as to how he made his money but yeah architecture is on point

  3. James Goldstein. Google him, he’s a pretty interesting guy. During the playoffs he travels the country going to all the big games.

  4. His most famous property you might recognize as Jackie Treehorn’s house from The Big Lebowski

  5. All I know is he likes to evict the elderly and he looks like the evil preacher from the Poltergeist movies

  6. LA Real estate gazillionaire. He also hosts lavish parties in his mansion overlooking LA that many basketball players are invited to.

    Rihanna had her birthday party at his house. Lebron has been there too. House was in Charlies angels and a bunch of other movies.

    Also has a bunch of side businesses, but it’s is real estate investments from several decades ago that have put him in another echelon.

    He regularly sits courtside at Lakers games and other nba games as well. Long-time nba superfan.

  7. Not just clippers and lakers games, but if there’s a good game being played elsewhere, pretty good chance he’ll be there as well. Seen him on national broadcast games randomly sitting courtside one night in New York and Miami the next night.

  8. It was reported by The Hollywood Reporter in 2020 that Goldstein made his money in mobile home parks, by “packaging groups of properties into investment vehicles and then suing municipalities…if they thwart his attempts to end rent control.” Carson, California’s city attorney Sunny Soltani referred to his tactics as “litigation terrorism,” accused him of building his fortune “on the backs of the most vulnerable people in society,” and estimated cities have spent millions to fight him.

  9. The NBA cowboy… I always wonder how much he pays those girls that he takes to games

  10. Did some work for him a number of years ago. His business card is ultra minimalist with his name and office phone, as well as the text “Architecture. Basketball. Fashion.”

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