Uniform template to honor all our fans, our history and tradition

Uniform template to honor all our fans, our history and tradition

  1. First off fuck Demoff for okaying the dumbass Nike designers who approved fruit loop numbers, broken horns, gradients and hideous logos.

    This should be our template forever:
    Home: blue over yellow
    Away: white over yellow
    Alternate 1: white over white fearsome foursome with navy helmet
    Alternate 2: GSOT navy over gold to pay homage to the St. Louis days (it’s still part of our history wether you like it or not).

    I would also bring back the curly horn, more traditional numbers and a grey face mask for the fearsome foursome throwbacks

    Do you agree or disagree?

  2. The uniform we should make a Throw Back of is the uni we wore against the Cowboys in 2017. Lol

  3. Wading in with more thoughts here. I think it’s always natural to like things the way they were when they were introduced to you and not want them to change. But change is natural and change is good.

    This post is basically “give me the old stuff” and includes an all white alternate from the Fearsome Foursome era. That’s funny to me because someone with the Rams in 1964 decided “let’s remove all yellow from the Rams color scheme” which is a move just as, if not more, drastic than what they did to redesign the horn in 2020.

    Serious question, if the Rams were blue and yellow from 1950 through 2019 but then decided to remove yellow in 2020 to be blue and white would you be happy about that? Or would you be cursing Demoff for removing yellow?

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