@Scott7news on X-Changes are coming for the Washington Commanders. What changes need to happen inside the locker room? Honest response here from Jahan Dotson. He told me, “a sense of culture. We got to have a mindset in here that we want change…the best teams in any sport are player led.”

Whoever the new HC & GM are I really hope they have a plan to mold a culture & build on it.

  1. Look Rivera & his coaching staff are plenty to blame.. which most fan base only wants to talk about. Listen to Jahan, in needs to come from the players.. Coaches coach players play.. A Lot our players are just collecting a paycheck & that definitely has to change. Like B-Mitch says ballas ball they don’t talk about it they step up & do it! We have a quite few guys that want to celebrate for doing there damn job even being down multiple TD’s.. So frustrated with some of these so called professionals..

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