Some friends gave me this as a belated birthday present yesterday…

Some friends gave me this as a belated birthday present yesterday…

  1. I know a guy who can handle your friend

    We call him Bruno.

    He’s a Reddit mod with serious clout. Can get your friend banned across like half the subs

  2. Reminds of me when my colleagues gave me a framed Mark Messier Canucks hockey card and put it on my desk.

  3. Whelp, time for a January bon fire, boys and girls. It’s weenie roasting time. Bet’cha can’t roast just one!

  4. 10/10 troll job – I’m guessing you all like to take the piss out of one another?

  5. Frame it, have a plaque made highlighting why the Canucks dislike messier and put it on display.

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