[Strombone1] “I might frame this one and put it on my nightstand”

[Strombone1] “I might frame this one and put it on my nightstand”

  1. I’ll give him some credit though, at least his thoughts, albeit with “old man yells at cloud” energy, are at the very least coherent compared to some of the incoherent nonsense that is spewed in Facebook comment sections.

  2. Imagine getting this upset because your opinion on something superficial and irrelevant to your life is different than someone else’s.

  3. I’m that person’s age and there’s no WAY I could EVER “write” a “letter” that long now because of the internet 🤣

  4. Man, I am not looking forward to the point in my life where I have time to be angry over nothing. How can you even pretend to be that offended you demand an apology 🤣

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