Jimmy Graham tweet sums it up perfectly

Jimmy Graham tweet sums it up perfectly

  1. “Nobody thought it would get blown out of proportion”

    That’s why you’re players and not coaches/owners

  2. I thought DA got the job for “continuity” reasons

    Does maintaining the culture that Payton built include apologizing to their biggest rival? For punching it in from the 1 yard line?? Sean was all about stepping on their neck, embracing the fued.

    DA is an absolute embarrassment. And he’s displayed plenty of pettiness, as it relates to propping up Carr and shitting on jameis. Throwing him under the bus yesterday was the icing on the cake. Entire locker room said naaw, we’re riding with Jaboo. Hilarious

  3. >Also f*ck the falcons

    Alright move aside Drew Brees. Jimmy Graham is now my favorite saint ever.

  4. Jimmy graham, Pierre Thomas, deuce mccalister, and Drew Brees. My favorite saints of all time

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