Clearance racks in Denver be like…

Clearance racks in Denver be like…

  1. I’ve been forced to live in Colorado the last 5 1/2years and I get such a kick out of this. The local Denver radio signing called him the greatest sports signing in history before he’d ever suited up for them.

  2. Like fuck the broncos and all but the clearance bins are clearly in the background behind the Wilson stuff

  3. I live in KC and a lot of people wear Mahomes gear. There is so much #15 specific gear it often clogs stores and sometimes that’s the only Chiefs wear you can find.

    A couple times I’ve bought jerseys with specific players but got away from doing that, as some were traded off or faded away (Holmes, Hall, Hill, Hali, Bowe) and were out of fashion rather quickly.

    I bought a few new shirts this year but stopped short of anything Player related or outerwear because I’ve been disgruntled with the Chiefs this year. Not about being fair weather fan but busted expectations. I have noticed in the late part of the season a lot less people wearing gear as they have lost games over foolish reasons.

    If Chiefs get knocked out by Fins on Sat. there’s gonna be fire sales to get rid of the stuff.

    Anything can happen as evidenced by OP. That gear is going to linger for a LONG time.

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