One more for Antonio Pierce: The #Falcons have requested permission to interview him for their head-coaching job, sources say. Pierce interviewed for the #Titans’ gig yesterday. The #Raiders have not conducted any known HC interviews to this point.

One more for Antonio Pierce: The #Falcons have requested permission to interview him for their head-coaching job, sources say. Pierce interviewed for the #Titans’ gig yesterday. The #Raiders have not conducted any known HC interviews to this point.

  1. Gonna stick to my guns and say we hire him but in the event that we don’t… looks like he has made a lot of noise for himself…good for him.

  2. ![gif](giphy|CXAPW8vCQzYkg)

    I just keep telling myself, “Self, Mark is playing by the NFL rules so that he doesn’t get pinched by the Commish. AP *will* be our coach.”

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