Rangers owner James Dolan accused of sexual assault and trafficking.

Rangers owner James Dolan accused of sexual assault and trafficking.

  1. He’s rich. He’ll make it go away somehow and not face the same consequences as people who aren’t as privileged. It’s how it works now.

  2. Whether he did it or not, gotta wait until more details. I dont like dolan but waiting 11 years to make a claim to me is sus.

    Again lets wait until more info comes out before taking sides

  3. Why is the word “sexual” censored? If you’re offended by a word yet want to read about sexual assault and trafficking…? I don’t get it

  4. ![gif](giphy|L20mbc7yRfsly)

    And watch him if its true get away from it the rich dont have to follow the same rules us normal folks gotta

  5. that’s it – i no longer love and adore the ownership of the new york rangers hockey club

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