Quiz on every player to start a game for the Atlanta Hawks in the last 10 years

Quiz on every player to start a game for the Atlanta Hawks in the last 10 years

  1. A little info about the quiz: You should only have to type the players’ last names. Spelling is pretty lenient although if you think a certain spelling should be accepted for any player, let me know. The quiz is timed (25 minutes), but if you click the clock icon, you can turn off the timer. Let me know how you did!

  2. Very cool. Just so you’re aware, there’s some automation broken on Okongwu, Soloman Hill, and Tiago Splitter. I spelled them all right and got no credit

  3. 9 players with two years worth of starts (164 games) in 10 years…that sounds very low but curious how that compares to other teams

  4. I only remembered 23, but immediately felt like a fool for how many obvious ones I missed. Neat quiz!

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