Truly a cursed image

Truly a cursed image

  1. I’m surprised Miami isn’t Floridas most-searched, granted the Bucs make sense depending on the year this was taken. The Brady era of the Bucs would make sense for this. Obviously the Bucs are better than Dolphins right now playoff-wise, just figured Miami would be the most searched in the state…

  2. who’s the more pathetic fanbase? panthers or jags?

    i live in Atlanta, and sure we don’t have the best fanbase, but i see TONS of falcons gear pretty much everywhere i go on game day. and when walking around the city pretty much any other time too, but ESP on sundays. we’re just kindof a poor city and i don’t think most falcons fans can afford to go to games.

    but i’ve literally never met a carolina panther fan in my life. i’ve met 1 jags fan…and obv plenty of saints fans, steelers, cowboys, and packers fans. but for some reason, i’ve never seen anyone wearing any jags merch anywhere around ATL.

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