Jamal on his chemistry with Nikola: “Yeah, only getting better. I’m learning some Serbian. He’s learning English.

Jamal on his chemistry with Nikola: “Yeah, only getting better. I’m learning some Serbian. He’s learning English.

  1. Him and AG 100% already know how to swear in Serbian, I wouldn’t be surprised if AG would know how to have basic ball communication in Serbian either. Would be really good if Jamal was in on that too

  2. Lol Murray really making fun of how Jokic speaks his 2nd language. Bro is only getting paid a max contract, and really only has his entire career because of Jokic, he should be on his knees thanking him instead of trying to make fun of him to the media. Guarantee he can’t even say a single word on another language than English and Canadian either. What a selfish piece of shit

  3. One of the great duos & funnest all-around teams ever. Everybody got good chemistry, would be happy to ride out this core forever through any ups & downs.

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