Gary Sheffield drops off Hall of Fame ballot

Oh No! Anyway…

  1. Hall is a joke, no curt schilling…the writers need to go and it needs to be just by hall members

  2. From an article in 2012… 🤣

    “Sheffield, upset about being kept at third base while the white Bill Spiers played shortstop, went so far as to call the Brewers organization “racist” and the City of Milwaukee and their team “hell.””

  3. Objectively he certainly had a HOF career. Subjectively, well, that’s a lot tougher. I personally think he should’ve been in years ago, but I can understand those who don’t feel that way.

  4. He doesn’t deserve the HOF for purposely making errors so he didn’t have to play for the Brewers.

  5. Screw that roiding jerk off that intentionally threw balls away during games because his panties were in a bunch. All that crying over getting moved from SS, and turns out no other team put his hands of stone there, either.

  6. Never liked him. Especially when he admitted to tanking plays because he did not get the respect players like Yount got.

  7. I’m a “2 strikes and you’re out” kind of guy. 

    Yeah, he was a PED boy. So were a ton of players. Hard to forgive, but possible depending on the circumstances. 

    But Sheff not only was a cheater, he tanked games. Fuck him.

    I’m the same with Sosa. PEDs, probably keep him out, but the corked bat incident clinches it.

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