I might be the only person alive who wants the Texans to lean into a Western/ranch theme for the new unis and go with this color scheme. We are the Texans with a bull logo after all.

I’m just bored of red, white and blue, y’all. Let me dream.

  1. Fuck that. I hate the red, white and blue scheme as it is. Brown, yellow and white a definite no go for me.

  2. I actually like it. Make the logo a rancher, or stylized bull. Maybe a bullrider. Instead of yellow use navy, and use a lighter brown. Maybe add some red accents for a splash of color if Brown/Navy/White is too muted.

    I’m going to go against the grain and say I like your idea.

  3. I’m all for a unique look. The red, white, and blue theme is so generic I cringed when they first revealed them. I wanted something unique like what the Raiders, Vikings, Packers, or Browns have. A color scheme that would be instantly recognizable to any viewer. Is it these western colors? I don’t know. But give me something different please.

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