[Wagoner] Reporter to Kyle Shanahan: How important is the 12th man in this game? Shanahan: “We don’t call it the 12th man here.”

[Wagoner] Reporter to Kyle Shanahan: How important is the 12th man in this game? Shanahan: “We don’t call it the 12th man here.”

  1. How cool is it that the head coach grew up as a fan/around the team. He doesn’t have to pretend to know the fan base or be coached up by the PR staff on what nicknames to use or the right phrases because he grew up in it.

  2. Shanny’s hate is real. Hatred for Texas A&M during his time in Austin. Hatred for the Toots.

  3. Yeah that is the wrong term for sure! Anyone that has been there, how loud is it compared to other stadiums. I haven’t been there yet, but have been to about 7 stadiums and KC was the loudest by about 10 compared to the others.

  4. 12th man was a common phrase to describe a football teams home field advantage before the incredibly creative Toots decided to call their fans the same thing

  5. Sometimes these reporters just are doing sports because the news station or paper are undermanned. I think someone asked Dan Campbell how the Lions were going to handle the extremely cold conditions when they played the Rams not knowing Detroit plays in a dome. Lol

  6. Why do our reporters mostly suck lol. Side note did anyone see how sassy Kyle was to Grant today ?

  7. Kyle’s made a lot of great moves since he’s gotten here. This one may be his best yet.

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