Brett Kulak appreciation post for landing us one of the best D prospect in the league. (also wooo Hutson is killing it lets go)

Brett Kulak appreciation post for landing us one of the best D prospect in the league. (also wooo Hutson is killing it lets go)

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  2. Please tell me he isn’t really 148 pounds ! He will be eaten alive on the boards in the NHL if he is.

  3. Thomas Plekanec—>Rinat Valiev—>brett kulak—->Lane Hutson.

    Pleky had to wear a leafs jersey for this. Never forget his sacrifice.

  4. I know I will get downvoted for this, but Hutson is still a joker. No one knows if he will be that power play specialist in the NHL or a a bust. Boston University has the best record of the league and they slaughter teams like Vermont. Yes Hutson is dominating, but I don’t see his style translating into the NHL very well. My biggest concern is his skating ability. I don’t know any tiny NHL player with an average skating.

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