They tried to bury this man. Now he gets to talk his shit

They tried to bury this man. Now he gets to talk his shit

  1. I was hoping for some Joker talking shit into the camera monologue. This is also satisfying.

  2. If you told me that was Taylor Lewan I wouldn’t believe you. Dude has dropped a tonne of weight.

  3. He isn’t wrong. We frustrated Jackson some years ago. You contain him and take away the short reads. He loses his patience. He’s gotten MUCH better at it, and got hosed by his team today however.

  4. Whether it was Vrabel or Bowen or both, they absolutely put together some of the best gameplans for guys like Lamar and Mahomes. Did they always win? No, but it kept the Titans in nearly every game they played against those two teams over the years which is hard to do. 

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