Have any of you been to, or met someone who went to the Ice Bowl?

Have any of you been to, or met someone who went to the Ice Bowl?

  1. My grandpa was actually at this game, but I think that’s the only person I can think of. The Ice Bowl was so long ago at this point, wonder how many people are still alive who went to that game.

  2. Yes. People went to their cars to warm up at halftime (back when you could leave & come back). ‘Cold’ doesn’t do it justice

  3. I met Bart Starr in a Seroogy’s candy store in about 1980. I would have followed him into a vat of boiling sugar, he had so much charisma.

  4. There were a little under 51k people in attendance for the game, and I’m sure you could find over 100k people who said they were there 😂

  5. An old guy and his wife had tickets next to ours for years. They were at the Ice Bowl. He told me they brought old empty coffee cans with a roll of toilet paper and some oil in them they used as mini-heaters. Hilarious! He stopped coming to games a few years ago.

  6. Apparently my grandparents were there but I’ve never seen a ticket stub or anything so I can’t say for sure

  7. I’ve met several guys who claim they were in attendance, but other than a few of the players and Tony Walter, I am highly skeptical of anyone who has told me they were there or “my dad/grandpa was there”.

  8. My 89 year old father was there. He still has the ticket stubs along with the ticket stubs from when the Packers won the Super Bowl in 1997 for the 1996 season mounted in a frame.

    1967 was the first year he was a season ticket holder. Those season tickets have now passed to me because he’s too old to go to the games. I can only hope I get experience some of the same magic he has.

  9. My grand father went. Ironically he was a guest of someone he played with at UW who was playing for the cowboys. I have the program from the game.

  10. My dad was there, I think with my grandpa, but not certain. My mom wasn’t born yet, and I was 20 years away from existing.

  11. I spoke to an older gentleman who claimed to have been there. Apparently there are a lot more people who make this claim than could have ever actually been in attendance.

  12. The owner of a bar in my hometown stole Don Meredith’s coat from the sidelines. In the NFL Films documentary, Don’s son goes to the bar to speak with the guy about it lmao

  13. Met an older guy i believe in his 90s at Lambeau during a stadium tour before the Vikings game at the end of October who said he was there.

    Guy was hilarious though, had some cool stories and when we went down to the field they tell you not to touch the grass so this guy knelt down and did it anyways. He obviously got yelled at but pretty much said I’m 90 years old what the hell are you gonna do about it

  14. My grandpa went, he’s a huge packer fan. Probably the toughest guy I know, and he told me his Ford pickup was one of the few cars that started right up when the game was over. Despite this, he stayed for a good 3-5 hours after the game starting peoples cars up for something like $5 a pop. Told me when all was said and done, he made well over the original cost of the ticket!

    He’s 80 and still going strong, even still starting up my car on cold days 😭

  15. My grandpa was at the game. He’s the guy with the thick glasses in the NFL Films video. Miss him so much!

  16. My grandparents were there, bundled up in sleeping bags to keep warm. They told me some Dallas fans were sitting next to them and were unprepared for the weather. They offered to buy the sleeping bags but you’d have to be crazy to sell them in that cold

  17. I was meant to attend the game with my Dad but when he found out it was -19F at the gas station he took my 7 yr old butt back home and he went by himself. Others are correct, everyone was packing a flask of brandy

  18. Yup, Donny Anderson. I met him at a golf tournament. He stole my ball on the practice green then jokingly threw it back to me. Later he told me about playing under Lombardi. Supposedly Lombardi didn’t want his players wearing gloves during snow games and there was a black guy on the team that always got away with it because he wore gloves as black as his skin. Funny guy.

  19. I have a family member who was there as a band member. She went to the hospital with frostbite and didn’t realize how big a deal the game was until many years later.

    She also made the mistake of becoming a Bears fan once she got into football, so we all know how well that’s gone for her lol

  20. Both my parents were there – my mother got frostbite in three toes.

    Bart Starr used to live a few blocks away from my house growing up – I made sure to target them every time I went door-to-door selling shit, because his wife Cherry would buy it all. Invite me in for hot chocolate, too. They were so goddamn nice.

  21. My dad went. We’ve had four season tickets since 1964 and he, my mom, and another couple were going to go. The ladies got up that morning and decided to stay home. My dad found two other lunatics to go. The QB sneak happened in their corner of the endzone. They thawed out eventually.

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