Future is looking bright. But at the same time..

Future is looking bright. But at the same time..

Future is looking bright. But at the same time..
byu/Comfortable-Ad-7158 inCalgaryFlames

  1. I’m ready to see Conroy and Iginla rebuild the culture of this team, but boy does watching Zebulon go hurt. Farewell sweet prince 🫡

  2. The only forwards from the 2022 team that we still have are Backlund, Coleman, Duehr and Mangiapane

  3. Wasn’t much of an era to begin with. Had the makings of something nice but it’s the last years were a chapter we’ll all soon forget.

  4. The Era ended two seasons ago, lindy was just one of the last men standing.

    It was a fun run, but these last two seasons have made it clear it’s time to start fresh.

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