Is this jersey legit and Should I buy it?

Is this jersey legit and Should I buy it?

  1. If you care about this sort of thing, this is an older Aeroready Adidas jersey, and Quinn Hughes never wore this style as captain, he’s only worn the current Primegreen model. Subtle difference, and most would not notice or care.

    One difference is the stick in rink shoulder patch. On this one, the green outline is different than the current Primegreen model, where the green is obviously stitched.

    Link: [](

    Another difference is the lack of the little label on the bottom rear that says “End Plastic Waste” on this one that’s on the current jersey.

    This is finicky jersey snob stuff, though, if you don’t care, go for it!

  2. Looks like what I did with one of my Horvat jerseys.  Change the 5’s to 4’s and nameplate to Hughes.

    Maybe they picked it up cheap, did the work for you and are flipping for a small profit?  🤷‍♂️

  3. The kit is bad. The numbers are too thick and the name looks too small. I don’t play the Prime Green vs. Aeroready when the jersey itself is exactly the same. The crest is slightly upgraded but the design of the jersey is the same.

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