[Highlight] Rams’ game-winning drive in Super Bowl LVI

[Highlight] Rams’ game-winning drive in Super Bowl LVI

[Highlight] Rams’ game-winning drive in Super Bowl LVI
byu/Ryuster99 inLosAngelesRams

  1. We need a documentary on this season getting Matt Von and Odell while D Jack left mid season to never be heard from again I’m sure the looker room and road trips was nuts

  2. I don’t know how Bengals fans can say this wasn’t a hold and they got screwed. Even after the complete freebie they got with Tee Higgins doing his weenie shit

  3. I was at the game and I had no doubt they were going to win, I didn’t feel nervous being there and seeing them play. But when I watch it on TV or on a screen, I get panic attacks, lol.

  4. My wife and I were in Dublin, Ireland for this. The Super Bowl started a little before midnight and we found a bar that was packed with people watching the game. The whole bar sang some of the songs from the halftime performance.

    The majority of people there were rooting for the Bengals. After this amazing drive and the stand by the defense, the Rams won. A few people came up to me and congratulated me on the win. I was wearing my Rams shirt.* Haha, it was crazy. The best game I’ve ever watched, I’ll never forget it.

  5. This shit gives me goosebumps every time, so glad we were able to seal the deal finally.

  6. That JetSweep call. My heart was in my throat as Kupp made that cut upfield. 😵‍💫

  7. For majority of the game, I was shitting my pants thinking we were losing.

    That last minute was the most stressful and carthaic moment of my life.

  8. This is one of the most incredible moments in football history and it’s rarely talked about

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