Le’Veon hinting at more stuff…

Le’Veon hinting at more stuff…

  1. This man has got to know that he’s RB3 who will more than likely never see the field, right? Unless he wants to come back as a slot receiver, but even then it’s a long shot for him to get any playing time at all

  2. Honestly I’d take him back. He could impart some knowledge, teach this young guys taking the bag isn’t always the best idea, and it’s not like he’s gonna be a starter. He’s not gonna have the same magic. He’s probably not gonna have the same anything.

    But most importantly.

    I can wear that fucking on field Bell jersey I got at the Steelers store for $55. Literally $400 off lol

  3. Why is everybody so mad if he joined the practice squad? He’s one of the killer B’s, he made a stupid decision that didn’t pan out. So what?

  4. Get him that one day contract so this man will realize he’s a 32 year old running back whose last real starting days were 6 years ago. Mad respect Bell but hang those boots up

  5. He’s not going to bump Igwebuike, but I don’t see an issue with inviting him to camp to see what he has left.

  6. Seriously this is ridiculous. Don’t even entertain the thought of him getting a tryout. Embarrassing

  7. If he gained 150 pounds and has mastered right tackle we’ll talk. Otherwise, kick rocks, dude.

  8. Nothing to lose by inviting him to camp. With that said, at his age, time off, and from I’ve seen the last time he played in the NFL……


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