Oakland A’s need to figure out 2025 home ‘in the next few months,’ commissioner says

Oakland A’s need to figure out 2025 home ‘in the next few months,’ commissioner says

  1. My guess is that they will be in the Oakland Coliseum for the next ten years.

    Oakland doesn’t have the ability to submit to MLB/A’s demands, and the team doesn’t have the ability to actually follow through with any threats.

    The only wildcard is an ownership change.

    Edit: Thank you all for proving that if someone doesn’t go “RAH RAH OAKLAND” and “FUCK FISHER” that you guys can’t handle it. I’m just laying out what I’ve seen for decades. Unless there is an ownership change, nothing is going to happen.

  2. That quote at the end of the story tells me 2028 in Vegas ain’t happening.

    > “I would be disappointed, let me say it that way, if we didn’t open that stadium Opening Day 2028,” Manfred said. “Disappointed, just in the sense I think it’s the best for the A’s and the best for the game.”

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