[Highlight] Lebron James on twitter on the assist from the Denver game: “After all this time I’m still proving them wrong! I mean you would think they know by now but you know when it comes to me”. Following angle of the pass has come out since.

[Highlight] Lebron James on twitter on the assist from the Denver game: “After all this time I’m still proving them wrong! I mean you would think they know by now but you know when it comes to me”. Following angle of the pass has come out since.

  1. He knows he ain’t do that shit on purpose

    Look at his face after it hit his hand, he thought he turned it over lmao

  2. I’m not a Bron hater but this is so corny to tweet out after his team loses their 7th in a row to Denver and he went 2/8 from the field in the 4th quarter

  3. Who is he proving wrong? His high school games were being televised because he was already so great and virtually everyone thought he would become an all-time great player.

  4. When I saw this live I thought “they’re gonna find a way to slobber him for this aren’t they?” Turns out he found a way to slobber himself over it

  5. People really thinking he’s serious with this tweet?? I really can’t believe these comments lmao. #LeControlTheNarrative

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