[Highlight] Patrick Beverley grabs the clipboard during a timeout. “It’s like he’s been here for 5 months already instead of 5 minutes.”

[Highlight] Patrick Beverley grabs the clipboard during a timeout. “It’s like he’s been here for 5 months already instead of 5 minutes.”

  1. Pat Bev switches teams every year and still acts like he’s been around the longest on every team lmao

  2. You could put Pat Bev in a corporate office and he’d be sitting at the CEO’s desk by 2pm taking phone calls.

  3. He’s was playing the most impactful defence of the game in that moment: stopping Doc Rivers from drawing up the game losing play.

  4. Is doc going to work out in Milwaukee? And is his career pretty much over if this fails?

  5. Buck hired an assistant coach as a player.

    Is that legal?

    Before people shouting Udon name. He barely played until his last retirement tour

  6. If they like it then good for them. But I would fucking hate having him pesting me like a little jack russell.

  7. I miss him already.

    Cam Payne having a solid game tonight was fun, but I do love Pat’s enthusiasm for the game.

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