Robert Kraft spent $7 million of his own money just to run a single 60 second ad today.

Robert Kraft spent $7 million of his own money just to run a single 60 second ad today.

  1. Can we also take a minute to appreciate that Gillette Stadium cost the tax payers $0 dollars? Which is something Buffalo can’t say.

  2. The guy in the ad is a shit painter if he got that much paint on his boot.

    Totally unrelated to anything else going on

  3. n u said in the US. what ate they doing outside of it. its always easier to play the victim.

  4. Never forget that he got people deported so he wouldn’t be found guilty of soliciting prostitution.

    Jus sayin let’s not put him on a moral pedestal

  5. I’m not Jewish, actually I have no religion, but I want to say that if every owner and every popular athlete spent a tiny bit of time doing good for the community, like Kraft and Edelman do, the world would be a much better place.

    This thing is bringing me to tears.

  6. I saw a dime on the street while walking the puppy today and I didn’t pick up the dime.

    That’s the equivalent what he just spent (relatively speaking).

  7. Vomit- playing the victim card while a million people are about to be slaughtered by Israeli forces.

  8. Meanwhile he’s silent af about israel committing a heinous genocide even though he’s previously publicly supported the shit out of that colonial project.👀👀👀

  9. In most cases it be local governments committing to funding then the recoup that commitment by adding a tax to Motel/Hotel room in the area or rent a cars . So to say the property owners in Buffalo / Erie County are footing the commitment is not necessarily the case . Hence Niagara and Erie county tax rates are different currently. Not sure why that is but I’d guess a commitment was made and local officials drew up a plan to recoup the money with the least impact to local property owners .

  10. That’s an amazing straw man that he set up. He really knocked it down. 

    Now how about the murder of nearly 30,000 civilians in Gaza, 80% of whom were women and children 

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