The Rams hired John Streicher in a new title, “coordinator of football strategy”, a source confirmed (@PaulKuharskyNFL first reported). I believe the role will have to do with game management but still taking shape. Streicher was the Titans’ director of football administration.

The Rams hired John Streicher in a new title, “coordinator of football strategy”, a source confirmed (@PaulKuharskyNFL first reported). I believe the role will have to do with game management but still taking shape. Streicher was the Titans’ director of football administration.

  1. So no more kicking FGs in the 4th quarter down 3 scores and can we start kicking FG’s as soon as we get into range down 10 late? His 4th down strategy is at least defendable.

  2. McVay finally going to learn not to panic with 2 seconds left on the play clock and waste at least one time out per half?

    Cool if true.

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