New BP Hats, we get a home and road one.

New BP Hats, we get a home and road one.

  1. Hate the Mets home one. Agreed that Phillies hat is pretty cool (choke down vomit as I say that)

  2. All of these are good except the racing stripe one and the Braves one. I hate to admit it, but those Marlins ones are the best of the bunch

  3. Every cap looks fire except for the Mets home one. Hope they just use the road one for both

  4. Why does my gut tell me depending on how much one of these sells it’s going to be related to the city connect jersey 🧐

  5. That home cap is such a mess. I love the racing stripe unis but this is the most ridiculous usage of the racing stripe that someone could’ve possibly implemented.

    The next worst cap is the Braves cap but it’s a big gap between the two. The black back just doesn’t work. Go black Bill and black button with all white cap and that “a,” that would look pretty clean.

    I’m also glad to see the Marlins embracing those old colors. The new Miami style has been ugly. The Marlins always had good unis until the “Miami” change.

    The Phils win this one but since there seems to be a theme of paying homage to old uniforms, it seems like a missed opportunity to not make a powder blue hat.

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