NEWS: The Cleveland Browns are pitching a $1 billion to $1.2 billion lakefront stadium renovation, with the public – Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, state of Ohio – picking up half the cost.

NEWS: The Cleveland Browns are pitching a $1 billion to $1.2 billion lakefront stadium renovation, with the public – Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, state of Ohio – picking up half the cost.

  1. public should not be funding 5-600m of a renovation and especially so when it doesnt include a dome

  2. Jimmy could pay for 3 of these and still have enough money for his 6xgreat grandkids.

    Pay for it yourself Jimmy, it’s the least you can do.

  3. The issue is the renovations are more than the stadiums worth.

    I think we’re going to end up building a new stadium elsewhere

  4. I love it! (I’m Dutch in the Netherlands and have never paid taxes in the US, let alone Ohio)

  5. Renovating the stadium seems like just kicking them saying they need a new stadium down the road for 7 or so more years.  

  6. Here’s the thing. People have been demanding the Haslams pay for the stadium 100% on their own AND demanding that it be downtown. Can’t have it both ways. If the Haslams are going to pay for it themselves, they are going to build it wherever the hell they want.

    It’s like expecting someone to build you a million dollar home, but you get to pick the exact location and live in it for free.

  7. $1 billion for a facility that is not in use 349 days a year. How do they justify using tax money to fund this?
    Browns games do not pull in enough money to justify a billion dollars.

  8. Should get funding from state and surrounding counties as well. If not, every ticket purchased from outside a Cleveland zip code should incur am additional tax.

  9. Sure, but only if the city gets 50% of the profits from all the events for as long as the stadium is used

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