Quinton Byfield with the goal of the year

Quinton Byfield with the goal of the year

Quinton Byfield with the goal of the year
byu/ZiggyPalffyLA inlosangeleskings

  1. He has looked really good this season, but after that goal, I am starting to wonder if he will develop to be a generational talent. I am not saying he is there yet, but the sparks I see really excite me.

  2. I gave that zero chance of being successful, yet he pulled it off. It’s nice to see the skill come out

  3. Overheard in Jackets locker room after the game:“He got me,” Werenski said of Byfield’s deke and goal against him. “That f***ing Byfield boomed me.”Werenski added, “He’s so good,” repeating it four times.Werenski then said he wanted to add Byfield to the list of players he works out with this summer.

  4. Jesus. Love the hustle and not giving up on the play, but that’s another level of hockey skill you don’t see often even amongst the elite. Insane goal. QB is the real deal.

  5. The noise that came out of my mouth nearly caused me to get evicted. Fucking hell Q. I think I’m in love. I will be kicking myself for not getting his name on my RR 2.0 for a while. I had faith but not enough for that big a purchase for me but goddamn, in hindsight that would’ve been a glorious thing to have.

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