Cliff Lee days until Opening Day

Cliff Lee days until Opening Day

  1. Cliff Lee played for the Phillies in 2009 and again from 2011-2014, pitching 827.1 innings over 118 games with an ERA of 2.94. With the Phillies he was an all-star twice. In December 2009 he was traded to the Mariners for Tyson Gillies(did not reach majors), Phillippe Aumont(46 games), and JC Ramírez(18 games). He was signed as a free agent in December 2010. He missed the entire 2015 season due to injury and was granted free agency and has since unofficially retired.

  2. I know a lot of fans have mixed feelings about Lee, but he threw 3 complete game shutouts in a row starting on a huge day for me. Game 1: I got medically separated from the military after a year of testing, speculation, and mistreatment from my COC. Game 2: I finally made it back home after my car broke down and couldn’t afford repairs or a any ticket back. Game 3: My friends got me tickets to the game. The first game I had been to in 10 years. You can hate him for the playoffs but for 3 days that mean the most to me, he delivered.

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