Russell Wilson explaining the Broncos contract situation

Russell Wilson explaining the Broncos contract situation

  1. I’m coming more and more to the conclusion that everybody in this story is a bad guy and I hate them all.

  2. Still so mad we gave up on a winning record and rolled Stidham out there over an injury guarantee. Of course, Russ is not going to get rid of an injury guarantee. He shouldn’t.

  3. Just typical Russ things. Putting out media when he doesn’t get his way just like in Seattle

    Feel like everyone is to blame a bit. Broncos should have never given the contract, and should have ensured their ass was covered in the way they communicated. But Russ is definitely is not solely a victim. $242M contract to play poorly. Of course the Broncos are gonna try to find a way to back out

    “Sounds like extortion”. No, it’s not lmao. It may have been against NFLPA (which unfortunately will probably just end in a settlement like most lawsuits so we’ll probably never get a real answer)

    Money makes shit ugly. That’s literally all this is. And it’s gonna get worse until this dust all settles.

  4. Broncos paid for a top tier qb and got a junker. I don’t blame the organization at all for getting rid of him. Wilson blames everyone but himself. He was a failure as a bronco. Players are asked to restructure their contracts all of the time. Apparently Wilson cares more about himself than making the team better. Good riddance.

  5. I don’t mind the team trying to find cap relief, I do mind them threatening to bench a player if they don’t remove an injury guarantee. If you’re going to go that route, don’t say it out loud, just do it quietly. That was an embarrassing thing to do, and Pat Bowlen is rolling in his grave.

  6. As much as i don’t care for any of this situation and George Paton, Russell Wilson shares some of this blame and if he didn’t he absolutley would be our qb going forward. As a professional athlete you know your body and the level of play you can compete at, that being said for him to take a contract like that put the expectations as high as any one else being paid that way. I would never blame anyone for taking 250 mil if offered but you can’t blame the Broncos FO or fans for wanting the best for our team, it’s just business. Sorry not sorry Russ

  7. Should have signed him to a two year deal and seen how shit went. Signing a sub par qb to a long term deal is the dumbest shit ever!

  8. I can’t wait for Russ to get cut. Taking the cap hit will be worth it to not have to listen to his PR team in here constantly painting him as the victim and trying to convince us he is good. I don’t care how nice a guy he is because his job isn’t to be a nice guy. He failed at his job and needs to go.

  9. The amount of people in this sub that intimately understand everything that took place from management to RW is roughly equal to the amount of people here that can afford his house.

    Please come to terms that you’re all armchair GMs while you drive to the job you hate.

  10. All of this just boils down to 2 things:
    – the Russell Wilson that we paid for is not the Russell Wilson that we got.

    – George Paton did an unsatisfactory job assessing the talent and situation and needs to be held accountable for the position that the franchise is in now.

    That’s all. Bad deals get made, bad contracts are given out and players who fail to meet expectations are released.

    Rarely are the contracts as big as they are in this case, but you know, Georgie Boy swang for the fences and missed big, maybe the biggest miss of all time.

    Paton’s responsible, Paton’s gotta go

  11. The NFL is a shitty business and they use players. It’s wild to me that anyone would side with the NFL over the players. I love the team and want them to do well, but I fully understand that the NFL is just a money machine. Like if this exact same thing happened to Courtland Sutton people would be pissed off at the team, not him

  12. Not gonna click but I hope it’s just video of him literally laughing while counting money

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