Posting a Pokédex entry for a Bills player every day until the NFL Draft. Day 7.

Based on Ivysaur’s LeafGreen entry:

“When the bulb on its back grows large, it appears to lose the ability to stand on its hind legs.”

Also, I’m sorry guys.

  1. In absolute truth, and in regards to final kick last season: He hit it dead middle.

    -The wind was not moving the red pole flags on the FG, even as he was kicking.

    -post-kick, the ball is going towards the middle of the FG, then starts to move right as the flags also begin to fly right. A gust of wind

    -how to improve? Special Teams coordinator should’ve looked at the opposite side’s FG before sending them out. The flags on that FG were going strong-right, as seen in the beginning seconds of the missed field goal highlight

  2. Love bass he’ll be better next year. It’s not his fault that we lost making that field goal doesn’t mean we win. He shoulda had it but the defense couldn’t get a stop

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