Our protest of the Rockets game was unfortunately denied

Our protest of the Rockets game was unfortunately denied

  1. Yeah after that Pistons game we should probably stfu about it and move on lol.

    The league still has a ref problem at the end of the day. Either the owners or union need to work with the league to fix this mess.

  2. Pretty convenient nba. Waited for us to get bailed out to deny.

    I would not put it passed the NBA to screw the pistons again so that they were able to deny the protest

  3. This was always going to be the case. Even an egregious judgement call is a judgement call.

    Protests have to be an actual misapplication of the rulebook. Like if a ref threw out a player on only their 4th foul, or if they weren’t scoring shots behind the arc for 3 points. Truly extraordinary bullshit, not just awful officiating.

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