#NHLVideos: Where would YOU put a hockey rink? 🏒🏝🗻 Puck Personality

Where would YOU put a hockey rink? 🏒🏝🗻 Puck Personality

If I could put a hockey rank anywhere in the world  I wouldn’t put it up high that’s uh not really my   thing maybe at the top of like a skyscraper or  something like that in New York would be pretty  

Cool yeah I feel like cool would be maybe like in  Dubai and uh you know uh in really hot weather to   make it happen somehow in Dubai is that the  tennis court on the whatever floor and uh in  

That big hotel so if that would be a chance to  you know play a game like outdoor that uh you   know that uh hi that would be it would be pretty  cool HW win anywhere uh probably on the moon would  

Be nice to play up there a beach would be pretty  cool so you can just hang out on the beach and   if you want just go put in your gear and go  skate kind right by the ocean I think that’d  

Be pretty cool i’ put a hocky drink in Sant Trope  on the beach I just love it down there it’s nice   weather it’s uh beautiful water and uh yeah it’  just be pretty cool to play a game on the beach  

Maybe like the middle of the ocean or something  just boat out there just play a a hockey game   in the middle of the ocean I’m putting a hockey  rank great in Hawaii um solely based on the fact  

You play an afternoon game and then go right onto  the beach that’s uh that’d be sweet I just found   out there’s a hockey rink in Honolulu in Hawaii  so I maybe spending Summers there from now like   I’m not going to put a hockey rink somewhere  tropical I feel like it wouldn’t it wouldn’t  

Be what I know I actually don’t mind hockey rinks  in cold places cuz then you’re just it’s so cold   outside you’re excited to get in the rank where  it’s warm maybe like the top of a mountain in   Alaska would be pretty sick thinking of some  great scenery here I think in the mountains  

Would be a good spot anywhere in the valley of a  mountain I think it’ be pretty cool when you’re   playing out there and you got the mountains in  the background be good spot well when I was a  

Kid it’s what I asked my parents for every year  at Christmas so that would have been that would   have been really nice to make that come true we  didn’t have a great backyard for it for whatever  

Reason I always thought we could they could  make it happen I mean I would say my backyard   in California but I don’t know if that’s pretty  unique uh in my backyard so I don’t have to drive  

To the rink every day sit in the pool for a  little bit on the one side of the backyard   and skate the other side of the backyard maybe a  couple more in the Philippines I think that’d be  

Pretty neat I mean in my backyard would be sick  but um if not there I think like Rocky Mountains   would be pretty cool um have one up there and I  think that’ be pretty sweet views I was going to  

Say I I would go for a random location somewhere  maybe Alaska or Montana just remote that’s kind   of my style on the the North Pole just because  hockey is all about the winter and and and the  

Ice and just being able to to play a game there  would be cool I think it would be cool to have   it like down in Europe somewhere uh like Spain or  something just to spread the hockey there as well  

Uh Southern America where soccer is so big it  would be cool to spread a hockey through those   parts of the of the world too I probably put  it in the desert somehow like not the actual   desert not Las Vegas desert maybe next to some  pyramids in Egypt or something like that Coliseum  

I think that would be cool to have a rink in the  Coliseum you know what I’d go over to London and   I’d go over to Tottenham Stadium or one of those  massive stadiums and seen the NFL go over there  

Now I think do do an outdoor game over there on  one of those big soccer fields and you know I   know we play in front of big crowds but I think  it’ be crazy I think they get some like you know  

70 80,000 or something like that I’m right in  the middle of Paris I think uh it’d be pretty   cool to have kind of that backdrop and um kind of  grow the game there and give them something they  

Probably haven’t seen before you know I like  that sort of classic winter uh Pond or lake   atmosphere uh being from Calgary and and growing  up in Alberta Lake Louise would be a really cool  

One Thailand and in like do they have jungles in  Thailand or is it safaris like or is it is that   the same thing I would just put a rank in the  middle of the Jungle and that would be pretty sweet

In this edition of Puck Personality, NHL players discuss where they would place a hockey rink if they could put one anywhere.

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