Faithful to the Bay??

Faithful to the Bay or Faithful to LA?? Make it make sense please. 😂

  1. Just as I saw a whiner fan when heading home from work. At least the last fan I saw before I got home was a Rams fan.

  2. Ass clowns that chant beat LA at Sofi and harass Giant fans at Dodger Stadium.

  3. I mean we’re sports fans not city fans lmao I live in Indiana and root for rams and bulls ,,, who gives a shit

  4. I’m totally out of the loop as a TX native. Why don’t 9ers fans root for the Giants?

  5. As a Niners fan it is seriously annoying how many of our fans are dodgers fans. Really does make them just look like a bunch of bandwagoners… hell, they probably are.

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