His time, sadly, as the linkin park song says, is Forgotten.

His time, sadly, as the linkin park song says, is Forgotten.

1 comment
  1. I doubt bo ran what they say. he may have got hand timed at it sure, but people going through and frame timing it on 12fps tape is silly. he was probably a 4.29-4.35 guy, that seems to fit with the speed you see him play with. 4.19 is like gold medal olympics, which to the best of my knowledge he never won a collegic title in track, so I doubt he was among the fastest men on earth at that time. Still fast though.
    And for comparrison rice ran like a 4.6 and if you use the bo film break down logic rice actually ran like a 4.3, which he did not lol, he was very smooth, but he was not a burner in short yardage.

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