[Highlight] Trayce Jackson-Davis blocks Giannis again. And throws down a dunk on the other end again.

[Highlight] Trayce Jackson-Davis blocks Giannis again. And throws down a dunk on the other end again.

  1. kuminga getting called for an offensive foul and they show a replay of giannis doing the SAME THING without getting called before getting sonned by TJD

  2. lmaooo that timing is nice. Look at him shuffle his feet before taking off. Dude saw it coming.

  3. Blocked a prime Giannis 3 times in his rookie year, he’ll probably remember that for the rest of his life

  4. Cool to see him succeeding in the NBA instead of bulldozing my Boilermakers. Hell of a player

  5. It was a stellar performance for TJD and I’ll take the win for sure but…clearly Giannis was not 100 percent.

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