Choose your fighter (2023 season)

Choose your fighter (2023 season)

  1. I feel like we’re not going to get much out of either guy so may as well go with Votto for that hometown boost.

  2. Is votto healthy or not all season because that’s the problem with him, not in his favor the last 4 years, could be different being DH more.

  3. Honestly from a baseball perspective I’d rather roll with Horowitz and see what he can do over a full season with a solid spot in the roster, but both Danny Burgers and Votto would significantly raise the level of VIBES, which would be nice in case this season does go south.

  4. Given the upside on Vogelbach is pretty low I’d take my chances on a revitalized Votto. The potential payoff is much higher.

  5. If games were equal, Votto would likely be ahead in all categories


    V O T T O

    V I B E S

  6. Vogelbach, he’s had a 119 and 148 WRC+ vs R the past 2 seasons compared to Votto’s 85 and 89 WRC+ vs R the past 2 years.

  7. It’s not about overall stats but what you can do now for the team.

    VOGELBACH batting average last 2 years
    2022 .255
    2023. .228

    2022. .205
    2023. .202

  8. I see you elected to exclude the “clutch” row from their stat comparison. Accidental? I think not!

  9. I’m still taking Votto

    I just love his attitude and what he could teach the guys. He was one of the best hitters in baseball for a time. Vogelbach has floundered around, up and down from the minors. Really not accomplishing much at all

  10. I’m taking VOTTO all the way. Vog’s only value is the HR and he doesn’t hit a ton of them. Anything less than a HR and he’s a liability. Jay’s leave enough base runners on without having a guaranteed out like Vog’s. Defensively he adds no value either.

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