[Shannon Allen] Merci Montreal

[Shannon Allen] Merci Montreal

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  2. I’d take him back as a goalie coach someday. He pretty much did it with Primeau and Montambeau anyway. Good professional.

  3. Shannon is the perfect wife for Jake. He’s a shy guy who hates the spotlights and she’s always been involved in her home community supporting kids causes without bragging about anything they do. But my favourite about that woman is her sense of humor. When the Habs were on the last playoffs run, the night of game 7 against the leafs, she posted all the insiders predications with the caption “Always fun to be an underdog” and some moron tweeted something like “If it wasn’t for Price, it would be done in 4”. Instead of reminding him that without her husband this run wouldn’t have had a chance hell, she just shut him down with her response “Ohh you mean Carey Price, the BC boy Montreal drafted, or the one they just borrowed from another team?” The dude deleted his tweet in shame lol

  4. This is the part that sucks with the hockey world or the sports world in general. It’s the families that have to be separated, the families that need to move and leave their old life behind etc…

    Of course the players are paid well, but still it must be hard on the families.

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