Oh yeah, well Nomar never fell into the stands after catching a fair ball so checkmate Sox fans.

Oh yeah, well Nomar never fell into the stands after catching a fair ball so checkmate Sox fans.

  1. I mean, lord knows I’m not one to defend Jeter, but he had more than double the plate appearances. That’s not even mildly surprising.

    Nomar’s peak was better for sure, but he had injuries, and Jeter’s peak lasted a hell of a lot longer.

  2. What a cry baby post. Nomar could have been better than Jeter, but he wasn’t it’s just a fact. Jeter had more WAR in his age 35 season (6.6) than Nomar had for the combined ages of 31 to 35 (1.7). Nomar was a could have been which was great and fun but you don’t get to be better than a person who actually was great when he literally couldn’t do it past age 30. Jeter had a 26WAR from age 31 to 40 while Nomar had a 1.7. Stop being a god damn baby about this these are just straight facts. I was around when Nomar was at the peak of his game yelling he’s better than Jeter, but that was literally 20* years ago and we have all the information and we can all see that’s for a career Jeter was significantly better.

    All That’s not even talking about intangibles and championships which I know you will be screaming about if Mahomes somehow gets anywhere near the discussion of greatest QB compared to Brady but doesn’t have the same number of championships. Seriously get the fuck over it.

    It annoys me that people with such moronic takes are also on here saying what the current Red Sox should be doing when they are completely blind to the obvious Truth that Jeter is better than Nomar.

  3. IF he had stayed healthy, Nomar would have been the best of the 3. He could hit like Jeter, but had the power of A-Roid. He is my biggest “What if” in sports.

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