Former Bills RB Nyheim Hines as signed with the Browns

Former Bills RB Nyheim Hines as signed with the Browns

  1. Would have loved to keep him but cap and his jet ski incident kinda forced our hand. Hopefully he’s recovering well and can play well next season. I will always remember the New Englad game last year because of him

  2. Really hope his knee recovered and hope he does well regardless of the Browns being gross. He provided this fanbase with a moment of much needed catharsis. Twice. That, I will never forget.

  3. Had the most random career here. We traded for him and then didn’t play him, when we thought he was gone forever he basically delivered one of the most epic moments with the KO Returns, we get optimistic about him again, then he gets jet ski’d.

  4. I don’t know if Cleveland is landlocked enough to keep him safe. Maybe the water being on fire around Cleveland will keep him away.

    Kidding, of course. I hope he pans out, it sucks his career got derailed.

  5. “I don’t care about my life” – Nyheim Hines on always running fullspeed for kickreturns. The man is a force.

  6. Wishing him the best and stay off jet skis or anything that may cause season ending (before starting) injuries my man!

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