The Sheriff is in the building

The Sheriff is in the building

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  2. Remember when Brandon Prust was the sheriff for the Habs?

    “Bonjour, ici Brandon Prust, nouvelle ailier gauche des Canadien de Montréal. Faits attention, il y a un nouveau shérif en ville.”

    – New Canadien Brandon Prust, reading prepared words to introduce himself on RDS’s L’Antichambre, Sept. 14, 2012

  3. As a woman I’ve gotta say the current trend of wearing hats everywhere is disappointing. A good number of these kids might not have as much hair in the future; they should embrace it while they can. Plus, this particular kid has a great mane. Let the flow show, Arber!

  4. Are those his real hands or is he wearing larger fake hands over his real ones.

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