If Rodgers wins the vice presidency could secret service agents come to the Jets to play offensive line?

Let’s say that Rodgers hypothetically runs on the Kennedy ticket and wins the election. That would mean, as a vice-president elect, Rodgers would be under constant secret service protection. Does this mean that around week 8 or 9 when the election happens the Jets could bring in members of the secret service to ensure Rodgers’s protection on gameday as the next in line to the presidency? I’m sure there are some secret service agents with untapped potential, one of them has to be able to play offensive tackle.

  1. This would be smart if RFK Jr was granted secret service protection privilege but for whatever reason he didn’t get it

  2. I believe they’d be well within their constitutional right to pull their firearms to immediately neutralize any and all threats, out of safety for our Vice President, of course.

    This would include pass rushers.

  3. It becomes a federal offense to tackle Aaron Rodgers, punishable by 12 years imprisonment

  4. Anti artificial turf legislation. Could arguably make this embarrassing spectacle worth it.

  5. Him jumping into politics instead of playing for us would be the most Jets thing of all time

  6. He wouldn’t take office until January, and we know the Jets usually don’t play more than 1 game in January

  7. When will the circus show end and focus on football. We should all seek punitive damages.

  8. And here we thought him getting injured 4 plays into the season was the most Jets thing ever. This would absolutely take the cake lmao.

  9. Rodgers wouldn’t be able to play for the Jets as an official candidate for VP because of equal time laws.

  10. First, there’s no chance in Hell that he’s going to win. It’s just there to F things up for Biden.

    Second, the Veep would have to quit his day job.

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